If you want to be happier, then why not have a go at this programme. Just bookmark this page and return to it each day to read some new ideas and maybe have a go at a new set of challenges. Some of them will seem silly or frivolous, but they are all rooted in science and our campaign has shown that it works! So, why not give Day One a go and see how you get on. You can follow this programme at your own pace - don't feel guilty if you can't manage all the tasks we suggest - just take a few minutes each day to read the page of our thoughts & suggestions and fit in what you can. There are 14 days of tasks in all and then on the 15th and final day we'll tell you all about an on-going maintenance programme. You should start to see results after three weeks, and if you can keep up with some of the basics, your happiness levels should continue to rise. And it’s not just for mums.