From time to time promo codes may be offered for STV Player+ subscriptions which can be redeemed via our Apple app.
- To redeem a code in our Apple app go to the Settings > Plan section of the STV Player app.
Note: Not all STV promo codes will be redeemable via the Apple app and may require you to redeem them via our website.
- Choose the Redeem Offer Code option from the Plan page.
- A new box appears to enter your code into - do this and hit the Redeem button
- You will be presented with a couple of screens to confirm the offer - choose the Redeem Offer/Redeem button to progress.
- If asked for your Apple ID password please enter these details
- Wait until you receive the confirmation message to make sure your promo code has been applied
- When you return to the app it may take a few minutes for your subscription details to be updated.