Revenge Porn Helpline

Helpline:  0345 6000 459 (10-4 Mon-Fri)

The Helpline will be operating an email only service for the time being, therefore voicemail messages may not be responded to immediately. Please contact us by email on  and we will do our best to help you. If you are in immediate danger, please call 999.

Contact us for confidential advice and support.  Whilst we cannot guarantee removal of all images online, our exceptional partnerships with the  internet industry partners allows us to minimise the reach, and some of the harm caused by revenge porn.  We understand how difficult it can be to talk about this issue, and sometimes it takes our clients a few attempts to pluck up the courage to speak to us directly or share their identity.  If you would like to start a conversation with us, without sharing your personal information (at least to start with) you can use our anonymous tool Whisper.


Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours)

Thirty-five years ago Refuge set up the world's first refuge for women and children escaping domestic violence. Since then, Refuge has grown to become the largest provider of emergency accommodation and emotional and practical support to women and children in the country and the leading voice in the campaign to end domestic violence.