The STV Player is available on a wide range of devices and platforms, including:
and available to download from
- At - we recommend using the latest Chrome browser
Phones & Tablets
- Apple iPhone and iPad - you will need iOS15 or above.
- Android phones and tablets - while the app should work with devices with Android 5 or later, due to the large number of Android devices we only support and optimise for the more popular device used by STV Player users.
- Amazon Fire Tablets
On your TV
- Amazon Fire TV and Amazon Fire TV Stick
- Apple TV - running tvOS15 or above.
- Freesat set-top boxes
- Freeview Play compatible devices. Note that some pre-2016 models (eg Humax 4000t & 5000t set-top-boxes, and 2015 and 2016 Panasonic TVs) will soon no longer be supported
- Google TV
- Now TV and Roku streaming devices
- Samsung Smart TVs (with Tizen Operating System)
- Sky on Sky+HD, Sky Q and Sky Glass
- Virgin Media TiVO Compass, TiVO v6, TV360, TV2.0
- Youview set-top boxes and compatible TVs
- Freely
Casting to your TV
- Chromecast is available on the Apple and Android mobile apps
- AirPlay is available on the Apple mobile app