'Oops, something went wrong' message when watching STV Player
If you experience this message try clearing your browser cookies and cache.
On Chrome, you can do this by:
- Click on the Settings menu (3 dots) in the top right of the browser window
- Click on Settings
- On the left side, click Privacy & Security
- Under the Privacy and security section click Delete browsing data
- Select cookies and other site data AND cached images and files
- Click the Delete Data button
On Safari:
- Select Safari > Settings > then click Privacy
- Click Manage Website Data > Remove
Using Edge:
- In Edge, select Settings and more in the upper right corner of your browser window.
Select Settings > Privacy, search, and services.
Select Choose what to clear under Clear browsing data > Clear browsing data now.
Under Time range, choose a time range from the list.
Select Cookies and other site data, and then select Clear now.